Our thoughts and wishes remain with patients and healthcare professionals affected across the world as the public health response to COVID-19 continues. Interflow are focused on keeping employees safe as we work to provide essential freight services.
In this unprecedented time, everything we do is guided by three core principles:
1. Protecting the health and well-being of the Interflow team
2. Serving consumers around the world who count on our service and the benefits we provide
3. Supporting communities, relief agencies and people who are on the front lines of this global pandemic
To protect yourself and others from coronavirus (COVID-19), think about how the virus is spread.
Coronavirus is spread in sneeze or cough droplets. To infect you, it has to get from an infected person’s nose or mouth into your eyes, nose or mouth. This can be direct or indirect (on hands, objects, surfaces).
Keep this in mind. It will help you remember all the things you need to do to protect yourself and others from the virus.
Stay at home
Everyone needs to stay at home to help slow the spread of coronavirus.
You should only leave your home to:
- shop for essential food and household goods
- attend medical appointments, collect medicine or other health products
- care for children, older people or other vulnerable people – this excludes social family visits
- exercise outdoors – within 2 kilometres of your home and only with people from your own household – keeping 2 metres between you and other people
- travel to work if you provide an essential service – be sure to practice social distancing
There is separate advice about:
- restricting your movements if you live with someone who has symptoms, a confirmed case or has returned to Ireland from another country
- self-isolating if you have symptoms of coronavirus
- taking extra care if you’re in an at-risk group
- cocooning for people who are over 70, are extremely medically vulnerable or live in a residential home or long-term care
Avoid non-essential travel overseas and follow the Department of Foreign Affairs travel advice.
Get medical help if you need it
Protecting yourself from coronavirus is important. But do not ignore or delay seeking medical treatment for other abnormal signs or symptoms that you may be experiencing. All health services have precautions in place to protect against the spread of coronavirus.
Phone your GP to discuss your symptoms. They may give you advice over the phone or arrange to see you in person.
If you are feeling very unwell, call 112 or 999 and tell them about your symptoms. In particular, if you or someone else is showing signs of a stroke or heart attack do not be afraid to go to your local emergency department.
Social distancing
Social distancing is important to help slow the spread of coronavirus. It does this by minimising contact between potentially infected individuals and healthy individuals.
You should:
- keep a space of 2 metres (6.5 feet) between you and other people
- avoid communal sleeping areas
- avoid any crowded places
- not shake hands or make close contact with other people, if possible
There is very little risk if you are just passing someone. But try to keep a distance of 2 metres as much as possible.
Social distancing at work
Follow social distancing advice everywhere outside the home. If you are an essential worker still going to work, this includes your workplace.
Email the NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) if you are Email an:
- employer and want advice on coronavirus prevention measures in the workplace
- employee and are worried about how your workplace is responding to social distancing or other measures
Email – COVID-19-support@nsai.ie
Good hygiene and hand washing
Follow this advice as strictly as possible and encourage others to follow this advice too.
Wash your hands properly and often.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze.
Put used tissues into a bin and wash your hands.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.
Do not share objects that touch your mouth – for example, bottles, cups.
Wash your hands properly and often
You should wash your hands:
- after coughing or sneezing
- before and after eating
- before and after preparing food
- if you were in contact with someone who has a fever or respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing)
- before and after being on public transport, if you must use it
- before and after being in a crowd (especially an indoor crowd)
- when you arrive and leave buildings including your home or anyone else’s home
- if you have handled animals or animal waste
- before having a cigarette or vaping
- if your hands are dirty
- after toilet use
Keep your hands in good condition. Moisturise them often. Any basic product that is not perfumed or coloured is OK.
Encourage your child to wash their hands regularly and properly. They should also follow advice on staying at home and social distancing.
Read more advice for parents and children during the coronavirus outbreak
Disposable gloves
Do not wear disposable gloves instead of washing your hands. The virus gets on them in the same way it gets on your hands. Also, your hands can get contaminated when you take them off.
Disposable gloves are worn in medical settings. They are not as effective in daily life.
Wearing disposable gloves can give you a false sense of security.
You might:
- sneeze or cough into the gloves – this creates a new surface for the virus to live on
- contaminate yourself when taking off the gloves or touching surfaces
- not wash your hands as often as you need to and touch your face with contaminated gloves
Read a step-by-step guide on how to properly wash your hands and avoid infection.
Face masks
Wearing a mask is unlikely to be of any benefit if you are not sick.
If you do need to wear a mask, here is how to use one properly.
How to put on and wear a face mask properly
Clean your hands properly before you put it on.
Cover your mouth and nose with the mask and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
Tie the mask securely.
Replace the mask as soon as it is damp.
Do not touch the mask while wearing it – if you do, clean your hands properly.
Do not use a damp or wet mask.
Do not reuse a mask.
Taking a mask off
To take a mask off properly:
- remove it from behind – do not touch the front of the mask
- put it in a bin straight away
- clean your hands properly
Keeping well
Infectious disease outbreaks like coronavirus (COVID-19) can be worrying. This can affect your mental health.
Read some advice on minding your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.
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